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We are the solar energy partner of the Latin-American industry


Industrial operations typically use three types of energy: Electricity, fuel for their vehicles and heat for various processes. With the technology currently available, substituting energy consumption for process heat with renewable energy is the easiest alternative and is the option that offers the best return on investment. The solution is called large-scale solar heating and

Jorgensen is one of the most experienced companies in Latin America in this field. 


If your business has a large-volume heat consumption, we can help you to lower your energy costs and at the same time, lower your CO2 emissions. In many cases, large-scale solar heating offers the cheapest source of thermal energy – also compared to fossil fuels.

If you want to lower your energy costs and your emissions, think solar thermal first.

We only build large scale solar thermal plants – and we build them well.

Jorgensen has partnered with Savosolar to offer our Latin American clients the most efficient solar plants. Savosolar produces the world’s most efficient flat-plate solar collector.

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